Travel News

FY24 Year-End Dates

There are 2 cutoffs for year-end charges. To guarantee expensing in FY24:

  • Charges dated between 5/16-6/15 must be approved by 6/28.  Expense reports with Tcard charges for this period must also be submitted and approved by 6/28.
  • Charges dated between 6/16-6/30, must be approved by 7/8. Expense Reports with Tcard charges for this period must also be submitted and approved by 7/8 to ensure FY24 expensing.

Document Date: 

  • For expense reports created on or after July 1, 2024, that should expense to FY24 change the Expense Report Date in the header to June 30, 2024.  If the travel spans both fiscal years, the expense will be processed in FY25 upon the travelers return.


Listserv Information

Please see the attached Listserv messages for timely updated Travel Information.

Update for American Airlines:  Changes to American Airlines Contract / Refundable Ticket Purchase / Brazil e-Visa Requirement / Participant Support Expense Items / Guest and Group Meals / Lodging / Professional Memerships & Conference Registration.

Updated Business Purpose for Spend Authorizations and Expense Reports: Multi-Factor Authentication for the Concur Booking Tool / Changes to American Airlines / Anthony Holiday Schedule / Business Purpose Updates for Spend Authorizations and Expense Reports

Travel Enhancement Working Group: Inactivate Official Business Expense Items / Updated Business Purpose for Spend Authorizations and Expense Reports / Enhacement to Mileage Expense Items / Merchant Category Code Mapping

Updated State Travel Regulations: Meals Included in Conference Registration (Conference Schedule/Conference Agenda) / Lodging / Tips / Refundable Airline Ticket for American Airlines / Anthony Travel or Concur Booking Tool / Participant Support Expense Items and Usage

Updated State Travel Regulations Recap: Meals Included in Conference Registration (Conference Schedule/Conference Agenda) /  Lodging / Tips /  Reimbursement for Use of Privately Owned Vehicle - Google Maps

Year End Reminders and Internal Audit Recommendations:  Fiscal year end dates and explainations/Internal Audit Recommendations effective July 1, 2024.

Reminder of Policies & Procedures Changes Effective July 1, 2024:  Submission due dates/Non-taxable benefit (Travel)/Mileage calculations/International Guest Reimbursement/Travel Card Usage

Travel: A  Non-Taxable Fringe Benefit: IRS Accountable Plan, Hierarchy of Policy, Definations

Meals: In General, Requirements, Expense Items