The Travel Office works with Procurement and General Counsel to manage the contract process as efficiently as possible. The process is outlined below.
- Department Representative gets contract from vendor.
- Dept Rep makes sure to gather a signed addendum up front from the vendor (for those standard hotel agreements which we have an addendum for). You can find those here:
- Dept Rep fills out Legal Review Form (LRF).
- Contract, any signed addendums, and LRF sent to from Dept Rep.
- Vendor name
- Budgetary Unit (four letter code is fine)
- Due date: this must be an actual date, not “ASAP” or “April”
- Subject or body text of email must include:
- Documents must be helpfully named: “BSVC Contract Embassy Suites Workday 2020", “LRF BSVC Contract Embassy Suites Workday 2020,” “BSVC Contract Embassy Suites Workday 2020 signed hotel addendum.”
- General Counsel reviews contract, addendums, and LRF and sends back to department representative with signed LRF or requests additional signatures/documentation.
- Departmental representative sends all documentation to Travel Office
- Travel Office sends signed LRF, contract, and any adjustments or addendums to Agency Procurement Official (APO) for signature.
- APO reviews all documents and signs if acceptable. Forwards signed contract/addendums back to Travel Office.
- Travel Office forwards signed contract back to Dept Rep.
- Dept Rep sends signed contract to Vendor.
- Dept Rep then renders payment by purchase order or t-card.