Student Travel
In accordance with University of Arkansas System, State Requlations and Fayetteville Polices and Procedures, Spend Authorizations are required for Group or non-employee Student Travel. The Student Travel Policy applies to all undergraduate students, and any graduate student who is not on an assistantship. (University appointed employees who are also students, graduate assistants, and faculty members are NOT subject to Fayetteville Policies and Procedures 332.4.)
Office of Student Activities Student Travel Policy
See Fayetteville Policies and Procedures:
For purposes of this policy, University of Arkansas students are defined as:
- anyone currently enrolled
- graduate assistants as defined in the payroll system
332.4 - Travel for Students Representing the University of Arkansas
332.4 - Student Travel - Frequently Asked Questions
See UA Systemwide Policies and Procedures:
UASP 535.1 - Travel of Student Representing the Univeristy
Spend Authorization required forms:
- Requesting a Cash Advance - Cash Advance Agreement for Travelers
- International Travel - Foreign Travel Export Control Form
- Student Rosters with UARK email address/ UARK id, or an estimated number of travlers is required for non-employee Student Travel.