Non-University Employees & Guest Travel
When a non-university employee, official guest or job applicant travels on behalf
of the University, they shall be allowed reimbursement for "actual expenses." Itemized
receipts are required to be attached to the Expense Report by the Travel Office if
the meals exceed the Federal per diem allowance.
It is the responsibility of each department to ensure itemized receipts are reviewed and substantiated, and these individuals are not being reimbursed from any other source for their travel expenses. Federal employees who travel for the university shall be regarded as a university employee and shall be reimbursed as such. The Expense Report should show that this employee is on the payroll of the federal government and assigned to the university.
Alcoholic beverages are NOT allowed to be reimbursed.
International Travel for Guests funded by, on behalf of, or in conjunction with the University of Arkansas, must adhere to the same pre-authorization process as an employee prior to travel.
If your department utilizes the services of volunteer workers who perform duties like university employees, they are subject to the same rules and regulations governing university employees. Unless specifically related to employment relocation or being part of the University of Arkansas official party at an event, reimbursement for spouse’s expenses will not be allowable.