Car Rental
Mandatory Car Rental Contract
The Arkansas Office of State Procurement has awarded a mandatory contract for rental cars to Enterprise/National Rental Car or Hertz Rental Car. When renting a vehicle for University business departments are required to use this contract (including all business-related travel for employees, guests, and students). The contract rate is also offered for personal use to University Employees (please note insurance coverage does not apply for personal rentals).
Please include justification for renting vehicles larger than a full size sedan.
Tips for Renting Vehicles for University Business
- Let the agency know you are an employee of the University of Arkansas and are traveling on University of Arkansas business. Our contract number, should you be asked, is XZ51R10.
- CAREFULLY INSPECT rental vehicles BEFORE signing the form which states pre-existing damage (or lack thereof). For tall vehicles (vans, pickups, SUVs), inspect the TOP of the vehicle if possible.
- DO NOT purchase any additional/optional insurance offered by the car rental agency unless you are renting a vehicle in a country other than the United States, the Territories, and Possessions of the United States, Puerto Rico or Canada. If you do purchase such additional/optional insurance, you WILL NOT be reimbursed for the expense. The University's insurance includes coverage for rental vehicles with the same limits and deductibles as for University-owned vehicles if renting for University of Arkansas business purposes only. The Comprehensive & Collision deductible is$500 per occurrence and departments paying for rental vehicle are also responsible for paying the deductible.
- NOTIFY your department immediately of any accident; and COMPLETE the Motor Vehicle Accident Report found at the following link:
- Should you need to rent a vehicle not available through the Enterprise/National Car
or Enterprise Rental Car Agreements, PRINT the current "Vehicle Insurance Identification
Card" found at the following link: - CARRY this "Card" with you while operating rented vehicle.
- NOTATE "University of Arkansas" on the rental agreement along with your name as Renter.
- TOLL CHARGES can be found for rental vehicles at
Tips for Renting Vehicles for Personal Use
- Discounted rates are available for employees of the State of Arkansas, however, insurance coverage is not included in the price. The contract number for personal use is NA51D29.
- CAREFULLY INSPECT rental vehicles BEFORE signing the form which states pre-existing damage (or lack thereof). For tall vehicles (vans, pickups, SUVs), inspect the TOP of the vehicle if possible.